Saturday, February 16, 2008

Adjusting to family life

Well, we’ve survived our first 2 days at home. The first night was rough. Essie didn’t want to sleep, so I didn’t get to either! Valentine’s Day was a very busy work day for Nick so he needed his sleep. Last night was much better. Today, we’ve been able to keep her awake quite a bit so she should sleep pretty well tonight. As I write this, she’s taking a little nap.

Essie has enjoyed meeting her family. She loves all her Grandma’s and Grandpa’s. Of course, they are all smitten with her! Tomorrow, her Great Grandma Hoover and Great Aunt Carol from Indiana will be coming to meet her! Some of her family members have been sick, so they aren’t able to come meet her for a few more days – we’ve been emailing lots of pictures :-)

Here are a few more pictures of our perfect baby girl…..


Jackie said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your precious baby! Essie is gorgeous and we are thrilled for you!

Jackie, Tom, Ryan, Derek, Tatum

Aunt Rhoda said...

Congratulations and best wishes, it is nice to have a little one in the Peachey family again. She looks so content in the photos, can hardly wait to see her in person. How about some family pictures!

musicgirl said...

Congratulations! Essie is such a beautiful baby. I'm looking forward to hearing more from mom and grandma about their visit.

Michelle Hines