Monday, August 18, 2008

Trying out a new camera

My dad bought a new camera a couple months ago. He let me borrow it for a few days to see how I like it. So far, I LOVE IT! Of course, even my old camera takes good pictures of Essie because she's so cute :-), but these pictures are even better!

Last night, we took her to the park to play on the swings! She was getting pretty tired after a while as you can see in the last picture.

Oh, regarding the diaper changing problems.....she has been doing better the last couple of days. We started changing her on the floor - if mommy and daddy are both home, we tag team with one of us holding her shoulders and the other changing her. I've had a lot of people suggest using one of my legs while on the floor to gently pin her down. I've tried it, it works. :-)

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