Sunday, November 30, 2008

So much to be thankful for!

Celebrating with Essie through her first Thanksgiving has been so much fun. Its funny how I now look forward to every holiday and every celebration because I get to experience it with Essie for the first time! It seems so crazy that last year at Thanksgiving, we hoped and prayed we would be parents by now - and now our sweet little girl is almost 10 months old! We are so blessed!

I love these pictures! My parents gave her this little baby stroller to help her learn to walk. Tonight she stood up behind it and took about 5 steps without my help! She really might be walking by Christmas!!!!!! Check out the baby in the stroller....this was my cabbage patch kid that my parents found in their basement for Essie. I was so excited ~ and she loves it!

Essie was enjoying her dinner in the second picture. She has been eating a lot of turkey lately! I'm trying to get her to feed herself bite-sized pieces of the foods we eat. So far, she's doing pretty good. The other day she had her first chicken fingers and french fries! She will also eat peas, hard-boiled egg whites and jello. Of course, she will eat anything on mommy's plate.

Notice the high chair she is sitting in? This chair was purchased by my Great, Great Grandparents around 1885. My Great Grandma sat in it when she was little. After being passed through the family, my Grandpa ended up with it and restored it for Essie to use. It is so beautiful!!!!!

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