We had Essie's 9 month check up last week. She is doing so well. Eating as she should (of course!) and growing as she should. Some of the rolls are decreasing on her legs! I was so excited she is finally below the 90th percentile for her weight! She's down to 85th...LOL! Her top 2 teeth popped in a couple weeks ago, so we have 4 now! And, she is sleeping through the night consistently. I have to admit, I'm a little sad about that....she's so cuddly in the middle of the night. But, I am sleeping better since I don't have to listen for her to wake up for a bottle!
You know Essie has been crawling for quite a while now. And, she's been pulling herself up on everything for a little over a month. She is starting to walk along the furniture. I really hope we have a walker by Christmas!!!
Speaking of Christmas.....we have our family pictures scheduled for tomorrow morning! I should be able to send everyone to Sharon's website next week to preview them!!
Enough of my babbling, I'm sure you really just want to see some new pictures of our sweet little girl!!
This next picture is too cute! Yesterday was Essie's first bad hair day!!!
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