Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ahh, sisters!

I can't tell you how unbelievably excited I am to have two girls!! I so desperately wanted a sister growing up. I was 8 when my brother was born. This was back in the day before Ultra Sounds could confirm the sex of the baby. My first comment upon hearing I had a brother was, "but I wanted a sister!" Then, I tried to convince my parents to wait 8 more years and try again. They would have none of that!

I had one heck of a time trying to take this picture!! Ess is at an age where all I get are big goofy smiles featuring a large underbite. In the middle of my attempts, Ess just started screaming. I looked down to see that Drina had a wad of her hair tightly wrapped in her little fist. One glance at her face told me that Drina was thoroughly enjoying herself!! And, I believe this was payback for a couple of weeks ago when Ess wanted to help me vacuum. I thought it was really cute of her until I looked over to see her holding the suction hose dangerously close to the baby's foot.

And so it begins.....

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