I feel so blessed to have had the wonderful experience we did with Essie's adoption. We've been 'waiting' since December for baby #2. I've said before we may have to wait up to 2 years for another one. In the meantime, we've received 6 or 7 emails from our agency regarding different situations. Each email is to see if we would like to be considered, and we've said yes to all of them. We firmly believe that we will end up with whatever child(ren) God intends for us.
A few weeks back, there was a situation with an 8-month old baby girl. We were one of only two families being considered for her. The birthparents decided against adoption. More recently, we were one of three families being considered for a brother/sister sibling group. Another family was chosen. About two weeks ago, we were a top choice for a 6 month old baby girl; birthmom decided against adoption. And, today, we met with a birth family for a baby due in November. They met with us and one other family. The other family was chosen because they don't currently have any children.
We have a small, faithful group of friends praying for us each time a situation comes up. We covet those prayers and really do feel peaceful. But, boy oh boy is this a roller coaster ride. Again, I'm so thankful for NOT experiencing this with Essie! I have a new appreciation for what so many other families go through waiting for their first child!
So, tonight, I'm sad, but still at peace. Until the time is right for addition(s) to our family, we get to enjoy giving all of our attention to the most beautiful two year old ever!!

Waiting is SO hard!!! Praying for you guys!!
I keep you and Nick in my prayers that you will be blessed with the squeals of many children to fill your home! I have heard, you don't choose your child, your child chooses you....
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