Here's a little flashback to one year ago: The Most Beautiful Baby in the World!
This has been a wild year for us. Just in case anyone out there is contemplating a new baby and a major restaurant renovation at the same time, I don't recommend it! ;-)
Our local library has story time for kids 1 and older every other Wednesday. Today was Essie's first time attending! There were 3 other kids there; she had a great time. We sang songs, played little 'drums,' and made a pretty Valentine with finger paints!
Monday night, we had dinner in Columbus. One of the servers brought Essie a balloon. She has never seen or played with one before, but she LOVES it! She even picked up on the word right away. It comes out "boon." Last night, we were playing with her boon before bed, so I put it on top of her dresser. She spotted it as soon as she woke up this morning, pointed and kept repeating, "boon, boon, boon, boon." It was too cute!!
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