Essie has been talking up a storm lately. Most of it is just babbling, but some words are coming out. She knows a lot more than she can say. I can ask her where a certain toy is and she will look at it; sometimes she will go get it. She can point to my nose, and touch my hair when I ask her to. The other day, I asked her where Uncle Eric's eye was, and she poked him in it! I thought it was hilarious; he wasn't laughing so much.....
Essie's favorite word today was 'Da-Da.' Of course, Nick loved it! Officially, we have decided her first word is 'yay.' It's the only one she will say consistently....and she is so proud of herself! She always claps as she is saying it! What else is she saying? Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Dog (though she says Dog-Dog), Kitty (comes out 'T'), Hello (only into the phone, though!), and of course, 'NO.' I try really hard not to use that word unless I really have to!! A couple times, she has even said, 'Ma-Maw.'
We can't believe how time has begun to only 5 weeks our baby will be a year old!!!!!
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