Thursday, August 14, 2008

If we placed an ad in the classifieds.....

It would read:

"Frustrated parents seeking advice - beautiful 6 month old trying to assert her independence by rolling over and crawling away during diaper changes (yes, while on the changing table). Often leads to excessive screaming and crying, crooked diapers, and the need to wash the changing pad cover because the baby mentioned above peed on it while diaper-less."

AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!! Tonight, I put her bedtime diaper on while she was on her belly - still screaming mind you, because I wouldn't let her crawl forward and hang her head over the edge of the changing table! I guess we'll see if I have to change her sheets in the morning....

So parents....any suggestions???


Anonymous said...

Like all things you will experience -- this too will pass. No consolation of course -- but just hold tight and if she needs to roll over without her diaper then so be it. Just try, try again. The good news is she's active and right on track.

Anonymous said...

ditch the changing table for a while and change diapers on the floor. if she still tries to roll and crawl away...while you are sitting in front of her gently lay your legs on top of her arms...viola she can't move...incidently this also works well for administering medicine b/c you can keep her head still too.

Anonymous said...

Offer her an object to play with, such as a baby hair brush. This works great with my son.

Anonymous said...

I'd suggest laughter! If you stepped back and watched from afar this would really seem funny! And of course all of us who have already lived through it. Sorry, not helpful....I know! Smiles!!!