Essie has changed so much in the last couple of weeks....she has begun rolling over - mostly tummy to back, but she can do back to tummy as well. Sounds great, but now the baby who has been a breeze to put to bed and down for naps rolls all over her crib then screams when she can't fall asleep in her new position. Most of the time she rolls over and begins talking. When we go to roll her back over, she turns her head toward us and grins - she totally knows what she's doing!! We have resorted to using the wedge we had to keep her on her side when she was a newborn. Sometimes that works. Other times, she rolls right over it or scoots her way out. Tonight was one of the other times.....
Her attention span is growing. She loves to sit up like a big girl and tries to stand. She has incredibly strong legs! Essie helps hold her bottle when she's eating. Sometimes she grabs it after a burp and shoves the nipple in her nose - she'll find her mouth eventually! Everything goes in her mouth - even mommy's hair! Well, everything except slobber; that seems to come out in buckets! I'm sure teeth are just around the corner.
I'm sure everyone is tired of reading how about some pictures????
A friend of ours trains horses at a local barn. We went to see a 3 day old philly a couple weeks ago. We couldn't get any good pictures of the baby, but Essie loved looking at the big horses!
Essie loves to swim in Nana Betty's pool. Here she is with daddy, her friend Ryan and Ryan's daddy. Ryan loves Nick and Baby Essie - he's always asking his mommy where they are!
We started attempting to give Essie cereal a little over a week ago. So far, it isn't going so well.....
Now that Essie is beginning to explore, she has to touch everything - including the animals. Ginger is the only one who will sit still for her. She did manage to pet one of the cats the other day, but I couldn't get a picture because I was holding the cat down :-)
She's finally getting the hang of all the cool stuff she can play with in her exersaucer. She loves it!
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