Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Funny how your definition of 'yuck' changes when you become a parent! This might be too much yuck for some of you. If so, stop reading now. If you have kids and pets, this has probably happened to you.....

Anyone in my family can attest to how weak my stomach has always been. Just making certain noises is enough to drain the blood from my face. My cousin Michelle is 4 years younger than me. As children at family gatherings, we couldn't be in the same room during meal time. She was such a messy eater, watching her would make me gag.

So why didn't this morning bother me? Mind you, I was a little tired this morning....We went to bed late last night. Essie decided to talk and giggle, then poop at her 4AM feeding instead of going right back to sleep like usual. There was a stray cat on our patio making strange noises half the night. I kept waking up thinking it was the baby crying. Then, I finally got smart and closed our window! And, this morning the dogs were barking at who knows what outside and woke the baby earlier than normal. So, yeah, a little tired.

Anyway, I was carrying Essie around, her head was on my shoulder. I heard the noise; I know what usually follows the noise. I couldn't grab the burp rag fast enough. You can guess what was soon running down my arm. Literally, I was wearing a tank top, so it was running down my arm. Then, I heard the splash on the floor. That alone used to be pretty high on my yuck meter. Barely phases me now. But then, before I could think about leaning down with a rag, one of the dogs cleaned up the floor for me.

On the one hand, I was pretty grossed out. On the other, I was tired and very glad I didn't have to bend over with the baby in my arms.

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