We realize that we are beyond blessed! Another perfectly healthy child....and another beautiful, beautiful little girl. Essie has adjusted so well to a new (surprise) baby in the house. She LOVES her little sister, and she's such a wonderful helper!
Audrina (we've started calling her Drina from time-to-time) is seven weeks old now! She loves to smile! Oh, how she loves to smile! She is such a happy baby!! And, sleeping? Like a champ!!! She goes to bed between 8-9pm and doesn't get up for a bottle until right around 5:00! Then, it's back to bed until around 8:00. Daytime....well, that's another story! I think it's because she loves spending time with mommy so much that she would just rather snuggle all day. :) She is perfectly content to sleep if I'm holding her, but put her down, and she's up within 20 minutes! Most afternoons, she gets a nap in her carseat because that's where she will sleep the best!
No new updates on the adoption process. It's a waiting game now, with no news being good news. We have our next visit with the social worker on Thursday afternoon.
Both girls have well-child visits with the doctor on Friday, so I'll try to post again this weekend!
In the meantime, how about some pictures? These are from Audrina's newborn photo shoot with Sharon Elaine Photography.
Our family...


Such a beautiful baby!

Quite the little ham already!! :)