Friday, August 20, 2010

Silly Essie

Today we had Essie's 2 1/2 year check up. She is growing the 90th percentile for her height, 97th for her weight. The nurses are always impressed with her vocal abilities. The doctor is always pleased with her progress as well and comments on how healthy she is.

Of course, as she grows, her little personality comes out more and more. I thought I'd share a few silly Essie stories from the recent days.....

* A few weeks ago, we went to my cousins wedding reception. She found the food table as soon as we arrived and had a couple of snacks. We walked outside and were surrounded by people when someone asked her a question. She began to reply with a mouth full of food and I reminded her to "Empty your mouth before you talk." She proceeded to spit her food out, answer the question, then put the food back in and continue chewing!

* We've been working on potty training and it's going very well since we started giving her 3 M&Ms for everytime she uses the potty! The other morning, Daddy had an early meeting so Essie had to go with me to Zumba. As we finished setting up, I had to go to the bathroom. While in there, I asked if she needed to potty. She looked at me and asked, "did you bring M&Ms?" I said no and she replied, "No, I don't have to potty." Little stinker!

* Mommy is always on Daddy to turn on the fan and use spray when he's finished in the bathroom (yeah, probably TMI, but I have to set up the story! :)) He's been doing very well with the fan, but most days forgets to spray. This morning, he gets Essie up and she runs into our bathroom to potty. She stops just shy of the toilet and screams "YUCK!" Then, she turns around and runs out, looks right at Nick and says, "It smells like you pooped!" Mommy nearly cried from laughter over that one!!!!

* The other day, while we were all getting dressed, she asked Daddy where his Big Girl Panties are!

I'm sure there are so many more stories...though some are not appropriate for public posting! :-)

No adoption updates to post.....hopefully soon!!!