Yes, I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Life has gotten more and more crazy as Nick gets closer to the big move! Tomorrow is the last day in the old location; moving begins Sunday!!! I'll get in there next week and do some final pictures to post - the new cafe is absolutely gorgeous!!
So, about Essie....her feet are cold most of the time. Especially now that the weather is turning cooler. We can't keep socks on her for anything. We put them on, she takes them off. As we are putting one on, she takes the other off. Put her in her car seat and the first thing she does is remove her socks. You get the picture.
Yesterday, I thought I was smart! She has an outfit with pants that have feet - no need to worry about her pulling her socks off, right? Nick put her down for her morning nap. I went in after she had been asleep for a few minutes to check on her - her pants are missing! Little booger took them off! I went to check on her during her afternoon nap, too and the pants were missing again! She is a smart little thing!