Friday, August 29, 2008
Mommy got a new camera!!!!!!
Thought I'd share a few pictures taken with my new camera! Essie gets more beautiful and more sweet every day - not that I'm biased or anything :-)

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Essie has been a busy little girl
The past 2 weeks have been very busy for Essie - not just the regular everyday stuff, but with milestones.
Of course, you all know we finalized the adoption, which was HUGE. But, she also learned to sit up on her own. She can sit for long periods of time now without falling over :) She has a little seat where she sits in the big bathtub now, so she has lots of water to play with - and bubbles!!!
Essie also started holding her bottle by herself - like all kids she needs a little prodding to do it. After all, why should she hold it when whoever is feeding her can do it just as easily? She has also been enjoying sweet potatoes. She still isn't so fond of carrots, so we had to find a vegetable she would eat!
This past Saturday, her first tooth popped through! It's a sharp little thing - I know this because she likes to bite my finger! **TMI Alert** If I were breastfeeding, this is when we would stop!!!
And, finally, she is crawling everywhere! Tonight, it was like she was part of a relay race. She moves all around the room touching one thing, then moving on to the next. After tagging everything in the living room and kitchen - including the dogs (she goes after the cats, but they run from her....), we went upstairs to get ready for her bath. In her room, she tagged her dresser, then her bath towel, then her pajamas, then her laundry hamper, then her changing table, back to the dresser, over to her diapers.....
Yep, she's a busy little girl!
Of course, you all know we finalized the adoption, which was HUGE. But, she also learned to sit up on her own. She can sit for long periods of time now without falling over :) She has a little seat where she sits in the big bathtub now, so she has lots of water to play with - and bubbles!!!
Essie also started holding her bottle by herself - like all kids she needs a little prodding to do it. After all, why should she hold it when whoever is feeding her can do it just as easily? She has also been enjoying sweet potatoes. She still isn't so fond of carrots, so we had to find a vegetable she would eat!
This past Saturday, her first tooth popped through! It's a sharp little thing - I know this because she likes to bite my finger! **TMI Alert** If I were breastfeeding, this is when we would stop!!!
And, finally, she is crawling everywhere! Tonight, it was like she was part of a relay race. She moves all around the room touching one thing, then moving on to the next. After tagging everything in the living room and kitchen - including the dogs (she goes after the cats, but they run from her....), we went upstairs to get ready for her bath. In her room, she tagged her dresser, then her bath towel, then her pajamas, then her laundry hamper, then her changing table, back to the dresser, over to her diapers.....
Yep, she's a busy little girl!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Nothing to do with Essie or adoption...
But, I have to share anyway....Nick and I went on a LONG overdue date night last night! We went to dinner at a new restaurant in Dayton - it was supposed to be incredible. It was good, but Nick's food is way better - and I'm not just saying that because I'm his #1 fan :-) Anyway...after dinner, we went to see Kenny Rogers at the Fraze. It was awesome :) :) :) :) I have loved Kenny Rogers for as long as I can remember. I think I'm going to have to teach Essie to be a fan, too ;)

Monday, August 18, 2008
Trying out a new camera
My dad bought a new camera a couple months ago. He let me borrow it for a few days to see how I like it. So far, I LOVE IT! Of course, even my old camera takes good pictures of Essie because she's so cute :-), but these pictures are even better!
Last night, we took her to the park to play on the swings! She was getting pretty tired after a while as you can see in the last picture.
Oh, regarding the diaper changing problems.....she has been doing better the last couple of days. We started changing her on the floor - if mommy and daddy are both home, we tag team with one of us holding her shoulders and the other changing her. I've had a lot of people suggest using one of my legs while on the floor to gently pin her down. I've tried it, it works. :-)

Last night, we took her to the park to play on the swings! She was getting pretty tired after a while as you can see in the last picture.
Oh, regarding the diaper changing problems.....she has been doing better the last couple of days. We started changing her on the floor - if mommy and daddy are both home, we tag team with one of us holding her shoulders and the other changing her. I've had a lot of people suggest using one of my legs while on the floor to gently pin her down. I've tried it, it works. :-)
It's Official!!!
In the eyes of the law, we are now Essie's mommy and daddy. Our hearing this morning went very smoothly; the judge came in, talked for a few minutes and granted the adoption petition. We will have a new birth certificate in a few weeks. After the hearing, we all went to lunch. Here are a few pictures from the day. The first one is of the judge giving Essie all kinds of kisses :-) I love the last one of Essie and Uncle Benny playing in the mirror!

Thursday, August 14, 2008
If we placed an ad in the classifieds.....
It would read:
"Frustrated parents seeking advice - beautiful 6 month old trying to assert her independence by rolling over and crawling away during diaper changes (yes, while on the changing table). Often leads to excessive screaming and crying, crooked diapers, and the need to wash the changing pad cover because the baby mentioned above peed on it while diaper-less."
AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!! Tonight, I put her bedtime diaper on while she was on her belly - still screaming mind you, because I wouldn't let her crawl forward and hang her head over the edge of the changing table! I guess we'll see if I have to change her sheets in the morning....
So parents....any suggestions???
"Frustrated parents seeking advice - beautiful 6 month old trying to assert her independence by rolling over and crawling away during diaper changes (yes, while on the changing table). Often leads to excessive screaming and crying, crooked diapers, and the need to wash the changing pad cover because the baby mentioned above peed on it while diaper-less."
AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!! Tonight, I put her bedtime diaper on while she was on her belly - still screaming mind you, because I wouldn't let her crawl forward and hang her head over the edge of the changing table! I guess we'll see if I have to change her sheets in the morning....
So parents....any suggestions???
Sunday, August 10, 2008
So grown up
Essie will be 6 months old tomorrow! And, one week from tomorrow, the adoption will be finalized!
Essie continues to enjoy her fruits. We have been trying carrots the last few days. I can get her to eat them if I mix them with apples :-) Even then, she won't eat more than about 8-10 bites. She has this cool little mesh bag on a ring to put food in so she can nibble on it without choking on anything. I put a banana in it yesterday. I can't believe how much she loved it! And, see how big she looks sitting in her high chair gnawing on a banana!!!!

Here she is chillin' in a chair on the screened in porch. She wouldn't look at me for the picture....she was busy watching her kitty play on top of the hot tub!

Essie's Great Grandma had a birthday Friday. Today, the whole family gathered at her house to celebrate. I don't think Grandma noticed the rest of us, she was too busy rocking her first great-grandbaby :)
Essie continues to enjoy her fruits. We have been trying carrots the last few days. I can get her to eat them if I mix them with apples :-) Even then, she won't eat more than about 8-10 bites. She has this cool little mesh bag on a ring to put food in so she can nibble on it without choking on anything. I put a banana in it yesterday. I can't believe how much she loved it! And, see how big she looks sitting in her high chair gnawing on a banana!!!!
Here she is chillin' in a chair on the screened in porch. She wouldn't look at me for the picture....she was busy watching her kitty play on top of the hot tub!
Essie's Great Grandma had a birthday Friday. Today, the whole family gathered at her house to celebrate. I don't think Grandma noticed the rest of us, she was too busy rocking her first great-grandbaby :)
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