On Saturday mornings, mommy teaches a Zumba class at church. Yesterday morning, Grandpa Rick and Grandma Judy came down. Grandma takes Zumba with mommy so Grandpa was hanging out with daddy and Essie.
Essie had a little bit of a belly ache Friday night and didn't sleep well overnight. Daddy had just finished giving her the morning bottle when the grunting began. Those of you who are parents know the drill. Grunting. Straining. Glassy eyes. A face so red you're concerned a blood vessel is going to pop. Then he said it sounded like an explosion in her pants.
Being the great daddy he is, Nick didn't wait for mommy to come home but laid Essie down to change her diaper. He pulled her pants off, then unsnapped the onsie. As he was moving the onsie up her back to take the diaper off, he got a handful of pooh! That's right, her first blowout! Instead of coming out the legs of the diaper, it went straight up the back!
I think Grandpa Rick thoroughly enjoyed his position as 'grandpa' instead of 'daddy' for this one! Apparently, the extent of his help was to grab the container of baby wipes, hand one to Nick and say, "Here, have a wipe."
Needless to say, Essie had an extra bath yesterday morning! Daddy did such a good job with everything that mommy didn't even get mad at him for taking the pooh-laced onsie and throwing it directly in the hamper without first rinsing it out! ;)