Today was Nick's 30th birthday! He had some time out with the boys this afternoon then everyone came over for cake and ice cream. Essie hung out with Grandma Judy while mommy got the house ready.
This is Essie's friend Ava. She's 8 months old. This was the first time they've tried to "play" together. Essie needs a few more months before they can really be playmates.
Essie has been growing and changing so much! This past week, she began to smile a lot more. She has also started entertaining herself - for a few minutes anyway! She's also been dealing with reflux. Mommy and daddy have had quite the time trying to help her feel better! She's been to see the chiropractor a couple times and is now eating lactose free formula. Between the two, she's been doing much better.
This is Essie's other doggie, Fox. He doesn't enjoy having his picture taken like Ginger does - but he does love Essie!